

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Launching This Saturday

The Tekkit Classic server has been upgraded and is now set to a maximum of 24 players!

We have also completed our additional testing and decided on a launch date for the server:

Launching - 2nd March 2013

The whitelist will be removed at ~09:30 GMT and anyone joining the server before 16:00 GMT will receive an enhanced version of the starter kit!

See you there!

Last Minute Upgrade

We have decided to do a last minute upgrade before officially launching the server, this basically means that the maximum number of users on the Tekkit Classic server will be increased from 16 to 24, the server information page will be updated accordingly!

Monday, 25 February 2013

Final to-do list update

All done!

The to-do list:

Build new spawn area, including End & Nether portals - complete.

Build protected Nether gate, Nether side -  complete.

Build protected End entrance, End side - complete.

Test new plugins and related commands - complete.

Test permissions and new rank system - complete.

Build first four "challenge" locations - 4 / 4 complete

Get new management & backup interface up and running - complete

As you can see all items on the to-do list are complete!

We are just double checking everything and getting used to the new management interface but are essentially ready to launch the new server, watch this space!

Sunday, 24 February 2013

IP Address Changed

The Tekkit Classic server now has it's new IP address, I've updated the banner and World Info page accordingly.

We are also on the new management interface now so just a day or two more testing and we are ready to go!

The events server will also be getting a new IP in a few weeks, I'll post more information regarding this nearer the time.

New IP adresses

Our hosting company will be moving us over to the new management interface very soon now but the IP address of the Tekkit Classic server will change at the same time.

I'll update the banners and relevant sections of this site with the new details ASAP.

Sunday, 17 February 2013

Hopefully this will be the last weekly update before we are ready to launch!

The to-do list:

Build new spawn area, including End & Nether portals - complete.

Build protected Nether gate, Nether side -  complete.

Build protected End entrance, End side - complete.

Test new plugins and related commands - complete.

Test permissions and new rank system - complete.

Build first four "challenge" locations - 4 / 4 complete

Get new management & backup interface up and running - waiting on host (ETA ~7 days).

So we are literally just waiting on our hosting company now as I mentioned in last weeks update, I'll post an update as soon as we are ready to go!

Sunday, 10 February 2013

Update - Whitelist Still In Place

It's time for a weekly update so here goes...

Here's an update on how our to-do list stands:

Build new spawn area, including End & Nether portals - complete.

Build protected Nether gate, Nether side -  complete.

Build protected End entrance, End side - complete.

Test new plugins and related commands - complete.

Test permissions and new rank system - complete.

Build first four "challenge" locations - 3 / 4 complete (ETA 4-7 days).

Get new management & backup interface up and running - waiting on host (ETA 7-14 days).

Basically we are mainly waiting on our hosting company now, they have been moving data centres though so some delay is to be expected but I have been told that the changes will be implemented before the end of the month and most likely in the next 14 days.

I'll post updates as soon as we make progress on the remaining tasks!

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

VIP Benefit Changes

With more and more incidences of ComputerCraft being used to bring servers down we have decided to restrict the core items of this mod to VIPs only to minimise the risk to our players, the 'VIP Benefits' and 'Banned Item List' sections have been updated accordingly.

Changes to World Commands

After some additional testing we have decided to open up the social 'Home' commands to all Members & VIPs, the 'World Commands' page has been updated accordingly.

Sunday, 3 February 2013

Update - Whitelist Still In Place

It's taking a little longer than hoped to get things fully set-up and ready, so the whitelist is likely to be in place for another week, sorry for the delay but it will be well worth the wait!

Here's an update on how our to-do list stands:

Build new spawn area, including End & Nether portals - complete.

Build protected Nether gate, Nether side -  complete.

Build protected End entrance, End side - complete.

Test new plugins and related commands - complete.

Test permissions and new rank system - complete.

Build first four "challenge" locations - 2 / 4 complete (ETA 7-14 days).

Get new management & backup interface up and running - waiting on host (ETA 7-14 days).

I'll post updates as soon as we make progress on the remaining tasks!