

Sunday, 2 June 2013

May Castle Challenge - Results!

Votes have been cast and the results are in, thanks to redkid1, BobKiller52 & Tatankore for being the additional judges!

It was very close but here's the results...

1st Place: Tiffaria - Princess Castle
2nd Place: zinatawehowe - Fort Blue River
3rd Place: xPhantomY2kx -  Alkenridge Isle
4th Place: Lorir - Solid Foundations
5th Place: All three remaining entries got the same number of points;

masskiller2011 - StevieWonder
mrgamnamman911 - Corgarff Castle
SHaughey98 - BlackRock2

Congratulations to the winners and thanks to everyone that entered, we'll be arranging the prizes for 1st & 2nd place asap!

Here's some screenshots of the winning entries...

Tiffaria - Princess Castle (Voted: 1st Place, Best Garden, Best Name):

zinatawehowe - Fort Blue River (Voted: 2nd Place, Most Interesting Build):

xPhantomY2kx -  Alkenridge Isle (Voted: Best Moat):

Lorir - Solid Foundations (Voted: Most Unique Build):