

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Move Complete!

The move is complete, everything is working fine and you can now connect using the new IP.

Depending on your geographical location it may be up to 24 hours before you can connect using because of the time it takes internet name servers to syncronise.

You can find the new IP on the Server Info page!

It took much longer than planned but hey when do big technical changes ever go perfectly smoothly, we are now hooked up to 10 GBps  internet connection and running on brand new top of the line server hardware so it was definitely worth the wait!

UPDATE: 16:30 - 

There has been one side effect of the move... the data I use to work out how long players have been on the server has been reset, so it's showing all players that are New Builder rank as having played for 1 day, to keep things as fair as possible we'll reduce the promotion time from 1-2 weeks to 1 week max for the next week.