

Thursday, 30 October 2014

DiggyVerse Trailer

Official Modpack Trailer, by xPhantomY2kx....

Monday, 27 October 2014

Modpack Update - Optifine & Worlds


Unfortunately the terms of use for Optifine have changed and whilst DiggyVerse will support Optifine it will not be included in the pack. We will maintain compatibility though so it's just a case of following the link on the DiggyVerse website to download the correct version and then dropping the mod into your 'mods' folder, I've added instructions to the website and most staff members should be able to point you in the right direction if you get stuck!

World Generation

We are currently in the process of generating the main world for the server, as with the Tekkit Classic server we are pre-generating all chunks to improve performance, the world is pretty big so obviously this will take a while, it should be finished within the next few hours though.

All other worlds have already finished being pre-generated, once this is finished we just need to create some World Warps and double check a couple of small things!

World List

A few people asked how many worlds the modpack server actually has so here's a list:

The Nether
The End
Promised Land (added by Biomes O' Plenty)
Vault World (basically like the current world TheVault)
Spawn World (this one should be pretty obvious!)
Veteran World (an extra world for Veterans, Donators & VIPs)
Game World (again, basically like the one we have now)
Diggybrines Realm (Adventure world!)


golegoninja submitted this screenshot of their IC2 farm...

They are hoping to grow some coffee and hops!

Remember we pay $500 for every screenshot we use,
it's always fun to see what you guys/gals are up to!

Sunday, 26 October 2014 + Image Gallery

The most noticeable change to the website today was the link to the new DiggyVerse website on the side bar, staff had known about the new site for a while but the information on it is finally ready for everyone to take a look at!

The website contains all the information you would expect about the modpack, just like this one does for the Tekkit Classic server, along with a complete mod list on the Credit & Thanks page.

You'll also notice that the Modpack section has been removed from this site as it was a little redundant with the launch of the new site. 

The new site does not mean that posts will no longer be made on this one, it just gives us a simple way of keeping information about the two servers separate!

Image Gallery

The new image gallery is something I've been playing with for a while, I had been testing it on the DiggyVerse website and as it worked so well decided to add a separate gallery to this site as well, I have already added over 150 images from the past 18 months or so and from now on all player submitted images will be added to the gallery when posted!

Thanks to freaksdesign for the original suggestion.

Website Changes

I'll be making some website changes tonight, mostly relating to the new modpack and server, this will include revealing the mod list!

As a result some of the pages may be temporarily missing or blank from around 6:30 pm (UK), I expect everything to be finished soon after 9:30 pm (UK) though.

DiggyWig Freaks Out!

I was minding my own business cruising along on a parachute while 
I was waiting for some files  to upload and suddenly started
taking damage... then I got poisoned...
so I sped up a bit and took a quick look behind me...

Three Spectres were chasing me and one was Infernal!!!

I got away but it was a close call, DigginChickin and
DiggyBrine thought the whole thing was hilarious!

Modpack Server Preview - Minigames!

Our minigames have been really popular ever since we introduced them,
the updated version on the modpack server gives us quite a few
new options and we have already completed work on 10+
minigames for the servers launch!

Of course some classics are back, like the PvP Duel and Spleef (above), we've also built new Maze, Castles and PvP Village (an old favourite!)  minigames! The Biome Race is also back but this time it has a more difficult four player version, Danger Race! 

For the parkour lovers we have two courses, Parkour, for beginners and Parkour Pro (above) for those who are more experienced or want more of a challenge, much like our current parkour games!

We also have three entirely new games based around teams, Infection, CTF Castles (above) & Pharaoh PvP (above), with the last two allowing the use of selected weapons from Balkons Weapon Mod!

Saturday, 25 October 2014


An update on the temple nevs010 is working on...

Looking pretty awesome so far!

Remember we pay $500 for every screenshot we use,
it's always fun to see what you guys/gals are up to!

Thursday, 23 October 2014


nevs010 has started a new project, a sandstone greek temple...

Not much to see so far but it's certainly huge and we're 
looking forward to seeing what it turns out like!

Remember we pay $500 for every screenshot we use,
it's always fun to see what you guys/gals are up to!

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Modpack Delayed Due To Plugin Issue

We're  having a permissions issue with one of the plugins on the modpack server, the plugin developer has temporarily taken down the list of permissions for the plugin and is not responding to questions so I'm having to decompile the plugin to figure out the permissions from the code. 

This could take a few days to sort out so for now I'm moving the live testing date back to 27th October, this should be a worst case scenario date, sorry again for the delay!

Down For Maintenance

There will be a scheduled maintenance tomorrow as follows:
  1. Full backup/clone - Done.
  2. Clear out old data - Done.
  3. Management interface update - Done.
Scheduled Downtime:
Date: 20/10/14
Started:  9:00 am (UK)
Finished:  9:45 am (UK)

Update: 09:45 - All done, the server is now back up and the whitelist has been removed!

Monday, 20 October 2014

Modpack Preview - Transmutation

A few people have asked whether Equivalent Exchange will be included in the modpack... it won't be.

The main reason is the fact that it is so overpowered and for many people just leads to them getting bored very quickly as they 'have everything'.

That said you cant deny that transmutation (changing one item into another) is extremely useful for building and means you don't have to store vast amounts of cobblestone, it also helps keep the world in a better state because people need to collect less materials.

With this in mind I decided to develop my own transmutation system within my main mod, using an item I called the 'Essence Stone'. You won't recognise all the ingredients in the recipe, the centre one is Diggyolite, the same ore used to craft the in game currency... maybe you can guess where the purple item is from (take a look at earlier previews)...

Only a selection of vanilla blocks and items can be transmuted, that way items such as wood from Biomes 'O' Plenty trees etc will still be of value when it comes to player trading via stores, malls etc and it gives players an incentive to go out and search for things and take the time to grow trees, crops etc. I looked through the vanilla items and recipes and got my kids to help decide which items should be transmutable and what the recipes should be so whilst it doesn't relate to the EMC values you know from Tekkit Classic we do feel it is a fairer and better balanced system, plus being developed by me we can make changes if we decide something should be added or changed!

Here's some example recipes, the 'Essence Stone' is always placed in the middle slot...

The stone has 640 uses (10 full stacks of items), with the damage value showing how many times it has been used so far, it cannot be repaired and after the 640th use it will vanish, so you will need a new one every so often. More than 50 transmutation recipes have been added along with several other standard crafting recipes including craftable and upgradable horse armor.

Scheduled Maintenance

There will be a scheduled maintenance tomorrow as follows:
  1. Full backup/clone.
  2. Clear out old data.
  3. Management interface update.
Scheduled Downtime:
Date: 20/10/14
Est Start:  09:00 am (UK)
Est Finish:  10:00 am (UK)

Saturday, 18 October 2014

Modpack - Live Testing Delayed

I had to go away for a couple of days on short notice so the start of live testing for the modpack has been moved from 20th October to 22nd October, apologies for the delay!

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Modpack Preview - Casino & Money

It's only been a couple of days since the last preview but as we are getting
so close to starting live testing I thought I'd give you another one...

Inside the Casino, all the slots use blocks I made specifically for them!

Industrial Diamonds have proved a popular way to trade on the
current server so I decided to add a proper currency to my mod!

You can easily craft coins into stacks and stacks back into coins,
bullions aren't so simple but allow large amounts of money to
be stored in a chest or vault room.

Sunday, 12 October 2014

Modpack Preview - Select a Painting

I know I'm not the only one who finds trying to get the painting they want a real pain,
click, nope, break, click, nope, break etc etc...

Well with this handy little mod that we've included in the modpack
that is a thing of the past...

Just put your painting on the wall, look at it, use the command: /painting
and select the one you want, simple!

Thursday, 9 October 2014

Modpack Update - Finalizing Mods

I got a message from one of the modders I hadn't heard back from and they have given me permission to include their mod!

This means that we now have permission for 62 of the 63 mods we intended to include, I had already removed the two mods we didn't have permission for but it's fairly easy to add this one back so I'll be doing that tomorrow. 

The last mod we wanted permission for includes world generation so cannot be added in once the main world is generated, we will be regenerating it just before opening to players for testing so if we do get permission before then I may re-add it, for now though I'm assuming it will not be included.

However, the number of mods will stay at 63 because I have added a third small mod I have been working on, 'DiggysAlphabet'. Basically all it adds is letter and number blocks in a similar style as the DiggyVerse logo, for use at spawn etc, here's a little preview:

Survey Results

Thanks once more to all those who completed the survey, in the end it was completed by an impressive 123 players!

For those who are interested here's a summary of the feedback and how it has and will affect the future of DiggyMinecraft:

How long have you played on the DiggyMinecraft Tekkit Classic server?

49% had played for longer than 1 year, 42% for 1 month to 1 year and 9% for less than a month.

What age range are you in?

As I expected this was very spread, with virtually equal numbers of players in the age ranges covering 11 to 24 (89% in total), just 2% below age 10, and a total of 9% aged 25 or above.

Have you donated towards server costs in the past or would you consider donating?

21% of players had donated at some point in the past, with all but 3 planning to renew next year. 
Of those that haven't donated in the past 62% said they would consider donating in the future.

What modpack do you currently play the most?

This one was very interesting, no players selected Tekkit A New Frontier, Tekkit Lite, Voltz or a custom pack. 35% said they play vanilla the most, 22% Tekkit Classic, 24% FTB, 18% Attack Of The B-Team, and 1% said another built-in pack.

Will you be playing on the new DiggyVerse modpack/server?

82% of players said yes, 18% said maybe, and not a single player said no!

If you could pick any one mod, plugin or feature to be included in the DiggyVerse modpack what would it be?

Responses to this where extremely varied, with over 40 different mods/plugins suggested!
Several people wanted protection stone style land protection, I'm pleased to say it will virtually the same system, but with some extra features such as plots within Towns/Cities.
Several people asked for Treecapitator, Biomes O' Plenty, BiblioCraft, Carpenters Blocks and Balkons Weapon Mod, all of which are already included in the modpack!
Several people asked for The Spice Of Life together with a food mod, we already had a really good food mod included and after looking at this we decided it fitted really well with the pack and so it has now been included!
A few people wanted Mo' Creatures, which I would have loved to include, but the author has refused to allow any player made modpack to include it so this is not possible. Some include it anyway but we have made a point of respecting modders and only including mods we have permission to use, apart from just being 'the right thing to do' including a mod without the modders permission could lead to a server shutdown request to our hosting company and would result in several other modders withdrawing their permission.
A few individuals wanted machine based mods, such as Thermal Expansion, but as stated before the pack will include some basic machines (such as those included with Metallurgy 3 and Hopper Ducts) but will not include advanced machine based mods.

Given that Tekkit Classic is pretty old now and becoming less popular should we continue to host it beyond 2014?

This was very split, with 31% thinking we should continue to host it, 34% thinking we should close it in February, 6% thinking we should close it at the end of the year and 29% being unsure.
Because it was so close I'll run another poll later in the year to make the final decision on this one.

If the Tekkit Classic server was to close what should we do instead?

More than half of players, 59%, think we should just focus on the modpack. 18% think we should run an automatic game server, 9% think we should bring back the old events server, 4% think we should run a more up to date official modpack and 10% think we should run a vanilla server.
Based on this if the Tekkit Server does close in February we will probably just focus on the modpack, downgrade the Tekkit Classic server and use it for testing mods etc for the modpack.

Use this box to enter any other feedback you have! (optional)

Thanks for all the positive feedback and messages, they really are appreciated. A few bizarre random messages where also left here which did literally make me laugh out loud so thanks!  

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Last Chance To Have Your Say

Thanks again if you have already taken the survey!

If you haven't yet then you only have until 9 pm (UK) tomorrow to have your say! 

Here's a reminder of the link...

Click here to complete the survey.


Nevs010 sent me these selfies of him with DiggyBrine, DigginChickin and myself...
taken while we were afk, lol

I think my favourite has to be DigginChickin in the pretty elaborate afk hole!

Remember we pay $500 for every screenshot we use,
it's always fun to see what you guys/gals are up to!

Monday, 6 October 2014

Modpack Preview - Look Up!

Planning on venturing out at night?
Remember to look up every so often!

This is another custom mob from my DiggysMobs mod,
they only come out at night as ectoplasm is highly flammable!

They spend most of their time flying around 20-40 blocks 
above the surface... but... if they see you they will 
swoop down to get you! If you see one you might
want to consider hiding under a tree until it passes!

Sorry it's been a while since the last preview, I had assignments totalling 12500 words to submit by last week, previews will be more regular again now and I'm able to spend more time on the modpack so things are moving much faster!

Down For Maintenance

The server is down for maintenance as follows:
  1. Full backup/clone - Done.
  2. Clear out old data - Done.
  3. Management interface update - Done.
Scheduled Downtime:
Date: 24/10/14
Started:  9:00 am (UK)
Finished:  9:35 am (UK)

Update - 9:20: My internet connection is definitely back to full speed now, the backup should be done at least 20 minutes earlier than planned!

Sunday, 5 October 2014

Scheduled Maintenance

There will be a scheduled maintenance tomorrow as follows:
  1. Full backup/clone.
  2. Clear out old data.
  3. Management interface update.
Scheduled Downtime:
Date: 06/10/14
Est Start:  9:00 am (UK)
Est Finish:  10:00 am (UK)

Update 06/09/14: Delayed until 9:00 am.

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Player Mall Changes

I've made some changes to the player mall this morning based on feedback;

Shop rent has been reduced to $750.

The number of stalls has been reduced from 20 to 10 and the regions have been expanded to give more space, kind of like mini shops, they can also now be walked through to the shops behind.

Existing stall renters have been removed, your items are in your inventory and you can re-rent a stall by contacting myself, Tatankore or DigginChickin in game.
